Thursday, 30 June 2016

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

and the detailing begins!

Think this is the style i'll go with, gonna make a few other various addon peices and then join them over the hull and sections

Monday, 27 June 2016

long range scanners

just chucked some of the large long range scanners on the front, this will all need to be proportioned with detail normals and lights along them, but theyre unwrapped and the substance pipline is all ready, juust need to add the dots n such now. Also GOT took up this evneing hnnnggg

Friday, 24 June 2016

improved shader

added some extra functions to the shader to give it a nicer look. also painted some details into the shield

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

too much noise

added in some details, but having looked at it in substance, its far too noisey and i'll revist the amount I added tomorrow

also turn the engine into a dual scroling texture that overlaps so it has depth rather than just a blank colour

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


started balancing out the scaling of the materials, its not far off now, next stage, detailing! (oh and probably should make the runway)

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

improved window shader

minor unwrapping and also improved the window shader so its far more flexible now, need still to add in the variation to lights and such still though

Sunday, 12 June 2016

almost unwrapped eveyrthing

messed up some masks as the mid section is the same shader as eveyrthing else

Wednesday, 1 June 2016