So, I've been pondering how to increase resolution over the past couple of weeks, i've been experimenting with substance designer, painter and so forth.
I've dabbled in detail maps and blending materials. But to no avail. My main issue is that I hit the texture limits that can be used in an unreal material.
Now when I compare the relative complexity and quality of my work to someone who uses unreal well, my stuff looks dogshit. Having downloaded the inflitrator scene, ive realised where I've been going wrong.
I've been using texture sheets effectively to define materials, whilst in reality, materials can be defined in numbers which then can be used in functions, that when combined with proper detail maps, can push out far higher better resolution works! Which is critical for my current project.
Trust me, time and time again, ive been tempted to just whap the resolution at 4096 and paint away manually, but that defeats what im trying to learn in this project.
So, much learnt tonight. Sadly, most of my body texturing is to be redone... However for smaller props. i'll just use substance to bash out work quickly.
I'm also off to Malaysia for a few weeks. laters. |