Thursday, 31 July 2014

Life drawings

Went to see Gaurdians of the galaxy tonight, brilliant film. also naked people

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

night of the reading dead

So I've not made any metals until now really in unreal 4, was going over some documentation about pbr stuff and noticed that theres a key difference between unreal 4 and marmo (which is where i started) that the specular levels are pulled from the albedo texture in unreal 4, opposed to a colour specular map in marmo.

So I plugged the steels spec into the albedo and rejigged a few things around, looks more.. colourful now. huzzah for reading!

oh and a rust texture.

This is an awesome document for anybody who cares about pbr, or reads my blog and wants to read something worthwhile for a change.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Man making rust is hard.

Quite a few attempts, all the first attempts were just too noisey. 

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Tilable steel

Not too interesting today, the scale is also huge on the ground just so you can see the detail a bit better. nice shiney clean steel, need to make the aged and rusty version now. Then they can blend nicely. I imagine this is going to be the least used of the lot

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Monday, 21 July 2014

wall norms

Okay i know this took litterally 5 minutes, but i was watching the TI4 finals and had friends over. give me a break.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

mild jazz

Just a short bit of time nicking in some details here n there, nothing particularly interesting sorry!

Saturday, 19 July 2014


Spent like half an hour adding in some details, but its too hot so off i go. 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

life drawings!

Thought baout doing some work, but having done 12 hours at work, cycled 30 miles and done shoulders at the gym today, im actually pretty tired. so life drawings will do instead of the usual

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Resolved light map issue and started new concrete texture

Resolved the lightmapping issue and realised that the alpha in the normal wasnt working due to the compression type, so shifted it to the addtional maps texture. all good now 
Started the next texture, so far made a tilable texture, its simliar to the one offered for free, but I personally think this one is tidier.

Monday, 14 July 2014


Redid the normal map, well sorta redid, i mostly tidied it up and added in more details. 

Saturday, 12 July 2014

tunnel bricks

first tunnel peice, wth bricks! will make the mold version tomorrow for this to blend with

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

fixed errors

fixed tiling errors and perfer this more subtle grout. hi ho silver.

Monday, 7 July 2014


Okay so like if you look really carefully youll notice this doesnt tile so great, proabbyl somethign to do with the noise modifier. Also its got a really annoying seam which im not sure i can get rid of easily, beacuse theres like a billion overpolied subtools. Proabbly should reproject this scene to a sensible level and sort out that tiling grout... looks pretty shit anyways, Will do that tomorrow.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Tilable brick wall

So been thinking about how to get multi meshes to tile today. Its like the tutorials online are basically saying, you need to set it so that you place a mesh exsactly right on a grid, then shift across and do the same exsactly on the otherside.

To me this is mental, i'm not smart enough to remember what the hell i did 15 seconds beforehand!

I wanted the wall to remain 3d, so 2.5 canvas is no longer any use either.

Sooo after a little more looking and experimenting, it seems that 100 unit sizes on the initialise for the square seems to be 100 unit sizes in the deformation offset.
Tried offsetting the insert mesh i placed and duplicated and vallah it tiles perfectly.
Exported square from zbrush

Offset that bad boy in photoshop with zapplink. check that shit out yo. it tiles!
Made some more bricks, acutally made 5 in the end,
Building a bad boy wall. its so rad. red. whatever.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

badass brick!

Started making a brick set, but got confused and distracted why the poly paint is so... pale.... ugh! will figure out whats going on tomrrow

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Hard surface revision

Realised im pretty shit at making hardsurface stuff, so I've just been going over the basics again. Today, panel loops.