Wednesday, 30 April 2014

minor work

Just cycled 26 miles, pretty tired, Started an unwrap and been invited out. yolo

Saturday, 26 April 2014


Made another plant, probably should revisit the leaf colours. theyre all the same! will do that tomorrow

Life Drawing

Twisted poses 20 mins

25 mins

30 mins

Monday, 21 April 2014

is this normals?

Right so this is what my normal maps for my plants look like so far. yada yada, flat texture gives it a bit of vava vum and all that bullshit. But i wanted more deets, want the curvature of the plants n shit to be shown off in the image too. So ive got maps all over each leaf and tried to bake out those details. Below is the result, and you can see, its bloody wrong. wrong all over the shop. I mean it works, sorta if i put it into the engine, it would be tough to notice the difference. but its is noticeable. Anyways, rendered it out as a flat normal thing below, and will try and multiply the detail together with the first to see if that gives the best of both worlds... hope it works. yolo. will do that tomorrow as im too tired now.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

topsy days

Start of a new plant, lythrum or sommit like that

Made some pebbles, will make the gravel it transitions into using masks. slightly annoyed theres a damn line up the texture and if you look carefull one of the stones is cut in half..... shhh no one will notice. will mix this up with some gemoetry and it should look pretty swag.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Unreal 4!

Rebuilding the scene using unreal 4, learnt a lot about its workflow today as i've never used unreal before. recreating materials and all that jazz to work. Resaving out stuff as tga's as most things were in psd format due to marmo accepting those files. My god this engine is good.

Venice picture dump

Bunch of photos I took in Venice, some of them may be useful for artists. maybe... yea, help yourself, no permission required.