Thursday, 31 January 2013


This is a copy of a photo of the Dorset cliffs, I wanted to try and get some more texture practice in, as well as plying with a multitude of brushes, dual brushes and brushes with textures. I'm quite happy with this hour piece and I feel that I've managed to pull off the distance quite well.

My main problem is not knowing how to achieve what I want from my brushes so I waste much time faffing around trying to get some speckle I want. Perhaps I'll pikey some brushes from work off the concept artists, their brushes wont improve my shitty abilities, but least I can fake what I'm doing better I suppose?

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Touching cloth

This shirt was a quick colour blocking practice over 25 minutes to just get lines and shapes in on some loose cloth

Spent 35 minutes practising creases on a tighter material  using the lasso tool to help me get a quick outline from  referenced from an image. Pretty happy with the creases, there's in fact a lot more of them on the jeans at the base, but i feel that the detail is sufficient at this density.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Tits and roids

So decided I would work on cloth next, but then I realised, wow, I'm really shit at drawing people, perhaps I should look  into doing that... Soon after I was engaged in casual porn browsing online. Found me a couple of models and some tutorials on body proportions and had a bash at them. This is my second set, my first set was so embarrassing I actually just deleted it from my layers. On left, hot woman, on right, steroid man. I probably will have a go at a few more line people over the week, but seriously, I'm awful at it.

The boxes took forever and god forbid I even attempt the face... The aim is to be practising clothing and cloths at the end of the week. I will attempt some more line drawings, maybe quicker ones this week.

This turd took an hour. Worse than constipation. 

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Desert mountain

I experimented with using textures today, I really like how it turned out, also a little bit of a go at depth  in atmosphere too. I will try some more experiments tomorrow. This over ran the hour but I was on the phone and then watching tutorials, so all in all I probably only spent around an hour total doing work.

Saturday, 26 January 2013


Today I tried a chicken, tomorrow I will try a roast chicken.

Friday, 25 January 2013

ooo the shiney leathers

I've spent another hour really trying to add in the detail to make the leather pop. I'm really happy with the results, though its taken me a long time to get the colours right and I've done quite a bit of colour picking from the source image to try to recreate it properly. I've yet to do more than the 3 back cushions in this, but I'll stop here and try something new tomorrow.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Leather sofa

Drawing a leather sofa, really happy with my tones so far, but need more time to do the highlights. So far clocked an hour, but really think a further hour will improve this piece. Gonna sneak a cheeky one in tomorrow and see if i can really make the leather pop properly.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Copper shite nuggets

So due to my shite material effort yesterday, Ive begun with a semi clean copper today. Tried hard to get the thin details which were similarly seen in the ice into this and im quite happy with it. I mean I look back at the icecube from a distance yesterday and whilst squinting I suppose it wasnt that bad. Just dont look at it any longer... Tomorrow I'll attempt some other metal. 1hr
In other news a piece of work that I made for a crowd sourcing attempt was accepted by the inXile team for wastelands 2! Hurrah! Itll also be available on the Unity store in a few days and I was given some funky cool badge of honour. Lovely Jubly. Hope they take the train carts too!

Took 12 hours and its standing in at a staggering 2997 tris and 5 textures (3x1024 + 1x256 & 1x256x32)

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Ice cube of embarrassment

After yesterdays warmth study, I tried to do a cold study. It hasn't turned out well. In fact throughout the entire hour, I liked nothing about this picture. But my attempt is up and the results are pretty terrible. I need to work on my abilities with complicated colour differences and the bending off the reflections in the material.

I've decided that instead of attempting ice again, tomorrow I will have a go at a few various materials, such as metals and such to try to learn some material styles.

Monday, 21 January 2013

More rocks

Fueling my bizzare rock fetish, I decided to do a light study on a cave fire. I've also experimented with the warmth  i've been taught in some lessons at work and had a go at some of the more extreme brushes to see what they did. 35 minutes work.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

The nightmare begins

I've been practising my general art techniques and I aim to post once a day. My work will be half hour to hour digital drawings as I find my way through shape, colour and composition. I started this blog 4 days in. So here's my current progress.

My very first drawing, started dark colours and layered white into it. ... god its awful.. 30 mins


Started with a more midtone grey colour this time, layered darker and lighter shades of grey into it. 30 mins.


Bored of rocks, so I did a big rock. started mit tones again, this one I spent an hour on. 


Decided that using 50 shades of grey was dull as hell so I went with colours and a different rock. 1 hr.